Rornel Ellick
Our First Top Student
Rornel is a 22 year old from St. Lucia. He started training with Forex Sniper School in Jan of 2018. He started his forex journey with another forex program, and wasn’t seeing the results he needed. He also stated that support was his main concern. He decided to commit to our one on one 3 day course and began implementing the material. He immediately saw results by catching the most pips on his first live trade after our sessions. The learning process was not an easy task for Rornel, but he stayed focused. He struggled mainly with psychology. On his first student evaluation, Rornel received a D+. He admitted that he was extremely distracted, and said that we would make sure to pass his next evaluation "No MATTER what!" On his next evaluation, one month later... he was able to graduate our course with a B+ or higher which met our graduation requirements! That wasn't the only reason we selected him. Not only did he show relentless qualities, but he continued to show ambition, support to his peers, and motivation to our other students and more around the world. He now averages $25,000-$35,000 days when he trades, and continues to study diligently and inspire his classmates! His biggest day so far was 98k! He truly embodies the Forex Sniper School Mission Statement!